As the eagerly anticipated African Housing Show 2024 organised by the PE Group approaches, Mr. Basil David Anthony, the dynamic CEO of Modern Floors, is set to take center stage.
Scheduled to speak on “Building Integrity and Sustainability with Vinyl Flooring” at the conference on April 27 and April 28 in the United Kingdom, his address promises to provide valuable insights into the pivotal role of modern flooring solutions in fostering integrity and sustainability within the housing sector.
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On 30th March 2024 Mr. Basil David Anthony whiles sharing his story at the Under 40 Champions summit in Nairobi, Kenya tasked key government officials to come to the aid of the African business community;
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On the 4th of October, 2012, Basil David Anthony was the main speaker and addressed a full house of people from various walks of life including Politicians, Law enforcement, etc.. on the topic “Harnessing the Potential of Social Media to Increase Stakeholder Engagement” at the Ghana-India Kofi Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT.
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